meat floss名詞
pork floss, meat wool, pork sung, yuk sung
- In Taiwan, most of the meat floss is pork products.
在台灣,大部分的肉鬆都是豬肉製品。 -
The main meat used to make the meat floss can be pork, chicken or fish.
製作肉鬆的主要肉品可以是豬肉、雞肉或魚肉。 -
According to medical research reports, meat floss is an unhealthy food.
根據醫學研究報告顯示,肉鬆屬於不健康的食物。 -
I don't like to eat meat floss.
我不喜歡吃肉鬆。 -
The process of making the meat floss is going through high temperatures.
肉鬆的製作過程會經過高溫。 -
Meat floss is a common processing food in Asia.
肉鬆是一種亞洲常見的加工類食物。 -
In Taiwan, many sandwiches and sushi contain meat floss.
在台灣,許多的三明治、壽司都含有肉鬆。 -
Meat floss is used as a topping for many foods, such as congee, tofu, and savoury soy milk.
肉鬆被用作許多食物的配料,如粥,豆腐和鹹味豆漿。 -
Meat floss is a very popular food item in Chinese, Vietnamese and Indonesian dining.
肉鬆是中國,越南和印尼餐飲中非常受歡迎的食品。 - If it is not well preserved, the meat floss is prone to mold.
如果沒有良好的保存,肉鬆很容易發霉。 -
There are many meat floss products on the market that contain preservatives.
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