work performance, job performance, Performance Evaluation績效評估
- This job's performance will determine who gets promoted.
這份工作的績效表現將決定誰將獲得晉升。 - Employee performance directly impacts their year-end bonuses.
員工的績效表現直接影響他們的年終獎金。 - The company conducts regular performance evaluations to ensure employees maintain high standards.
公司定期進行績效表現評估,以確保員工保持高水準。 - During the job interview, he discussed his past performance and achievements.
在工作面試中,他談到了他過去的績效表現和成就。 - Her outstanding performance earned praise from colleagues and supervisors.
她的優異績效表現贏得了同事和上司的讚揚。 - Employees should discuss their performance and career development goals with their supervisors.
員工應該與主管討論他們的績效表現和職業發展目標。 - His exceptional performance earned him a significant project.
他的績效表現突出,因此獲得了一個重要的專案。 - Her performance was poor, so she needs to attend additional training courses.
她的績效表現不佳,因此需要參加額外的培訓課程。 - Performance evaluation criteria should be fair and transparent.
績效表現評估的標準應該公平和透明。 - When awarding rewards, the company should consider employee performance and contributions.
每到要公司要分配紅利或進行員工考核時,都會參考員工的績效表現,從各種不同的指標來評估員工的工作表現,可以清楚的呈現出員工的工作表現與價值,績效表現的英文說法有好幾種,最常見且簡單的說法是 performance,也可以用 performance evaluation 或 perf ...
最近又到了年底要發年終獎金的時刻了,相信許多辛苦一整年,績效表現良好的員工們都很期待這筆可以犒賞自己的年終了吧!?其實在國外也有很多公司會發年終獎金,所謂年終獎金的英文最常見的說法是 year-end bonus,其中 year-end 表示「年終」,bonus 表示「獎金、 ...