Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is essential for the metabolism of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.
維生素B6對於氨基酸的代謝至關重要,而氨基酸是蛋白質的組成基礎。 -
Including foods rich in vitamin B6, like bananas and poultry, in your diet can help support nerve function.
在飲食中包含維生素B6豐富的食物,如香蕉和家禽,有助於支持神經功能。 -
Vitamin B6 plays a role in producing neurotransmitters, chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells in the brain.
維生素B6在產生神經遞質方面發揮著作用,神經遞質是在大腦中傳遞神經細胞信號的化學物質。 -
A deficiency in vitamin B6 can lead to symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and even nerve damage over time.
維生素B6缺乏可能導致疲勞、煩躁,甚至長期造成神經損傷。 -
Some studies suggest that vitamin B6 may play a role in supporting immune system function and promoting overall health.
一些研究表明,維生素B6可能在支持免疫系統功能和促進整體健康方面發揮作用。 -
Vitamin B6 is water-soluble, which means the body doesn't store it for long periods, making regular dietary intake important.
維生素B6是水溶性的,這意味著身體不會長時間儲存它,因此規律的膳食攝入非常重要。 -
Pregnant and breastfeeding women have increased vitamin B6 needs to support the healthy development of the baby's brain and nervous system.
孕婦和哺乳婦女需要增加維生素B6的攝入,以支持寶寶大腦和神經系統的健康發育。 -
Vitamin B6 can be found in a variety of foods, such as whole grains, nuts, and lean meats, providing multiple dietary sources.
維生素B6存在於多種食物中,如全穀類、堅果和瘦肉,提供多種膳食來源。 -
Taking excessive amounts of vitamin B6 supplements can lead to nerve toxicity, so it's important to follow recommended intake guidelines.
過量攝取維生素B6補充劑可能導致神經毒性,因此遵循建議的攝取指南非常重要。 -
Including a variety of vitamin B6-rich foods in your meals can contribute to a balanced and nutritious diet.
酪梨又被稱為牛油果,英文名稱為 Avocado,是一種廣受歡迎的水果,以其獨特的口感和營養價值而受到喜愛,在台灣的水果店、超市、大賣場經常出現,酪梨外表呈橢圓形或梨形,表皮綠色或紫色,有時帶有粗糙的表面,有時候則是光滑的,內部果肉柔軟,呈奶油狀,具有淡淡的均衡風味。
酪梨的營養 ...
龍眼是一種熱帶水果,學名為 Dimocarpus longan,英文名稱為 Longan,屬於相當受歡迎的水果之一,廣泛種植於東南亞和其他熱帶地區,是台灣夏季常見的水果,它的外觀呈現圓形,有著薄而堅硬的外殼,外皮呈現紅褐色或黃褐色,表面有許多小凸點,而果肉則是透明的白色。龍眼的果 ...