Excellent opportunity
This job opening is an excellent opportunity for candidates looking to advance their careers in the tech industry.
這個職位空缺對於希望在科技行業發展職業生涯的候選人來說是一個絕佳機會。 -
The scholarship provides an excellent opportunity for students to pursue higher education abroad.
這項獎學金為學生提供了出國深造的絕佳機會。 -
Don't miss this excellent opportunity to work with a leading company in the field.
不要錯過與該領域領先公司合作的絕佳機會。 -
The conference offers an excellent opportunity to network with industry experts and professionals.
這次會議為與行業專家和專業人士建立聯繫提供了絕佳機會。 -
The internship program is an excellent opportunity for students to gain practical experience in their chosen field.
這個實習計劃是學生在自己選擇的領域獲得實踐經驗的絕佳機會。 -
Joining this project team is an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills and talents.
加入這個項目團隊是展示你的技能和才華的絕佳機會。 -
The workshop provides an excellent opportunity to enhance your knowledge in digital marketing.
這個研討會為你提供了在數位營銷方面增進知識的絕佳機會。 -
Attending this seminar is an excellent opportunity to learn from industry leaders and experts.
參加這個研討會是向行業領袖和專家學習的絕佳機會。 -
The new project offers an excellent opportunity for the company to expand its market share.
這個新項目為公司擴大市場份額提供了絕佳機會。 -
Applying for this grant is an excellent opportunity for researchers to fund their innovative projects.
台灣的公司普遍在年底的時候都會舉辦尾牙來犒賞員工一整年來的辛勞,尾牙的英文最常見的說法是 year-end party,意思是「年末派對」,也可以說 year-end banquet,意思是「年末宴會」。
Year-end party 是比較通俗的說法,通常指公司在農曆年前舉辦 ...
中文說的「機會」的英文有兩個常見的詞語,分別是 chance 和 opportunity,它們在使用上有些微差別,許多人經常搞錯,用錯就說不出道地的英文了,以下是它們的主要分別,一起來看看:
Chance 更常用於描述一個事件發生的可能性,通常是偶 ...