- The user interface was simplified to make the software more user-friendly.
用戶界面經過簡化,使軟件更加用戶友好。 - The company streamlined its decision-making process to make it more efficient.
公司簡化了決策過程,使其更高效。 - The complicated assembly process was simplified to reduce production time.
繁瑣的組裝過程經過簡化,以減少生產時間。 - The company adopted a simplified pricing structure to make it easier for customers to understand.
公司采用了簡化的價格結構,使客戶更容易理解。 - The training materials were simplified to improve the learning experience for employees.
培訓材料經過簡化,以提高員工的學習體驗。 - The company eliminated unnecessary paperwork to simplify administrative tasks.
公司消除了不必要的文書工作,簡化行政任務。 - The software update simplified the installation process, making it faster and easier.
軟件更新簡化了安裝過程,使其更快更簡單。 - The company implemented a simplified feedback system to gather customer opinions more efficiently.
公司實施了簡化的反饋系統,更高效地收集客戶意見。 - The product design was simplified to reduce manufacturing costs without compromising quality.
產品設計經過簡化,以降低製造成本,同時不損壞質量。 - The company restructured its organization to simplify communication and decision-making processes.
再過幾天就是元宵節了,這個傳統的節日是早年農曆新年的尾聲,雖然現代人過完春節連假差不多就等於過完新年,不過元宵節還是相當有意義的節日,大家會吃湯圓、提燈籠、猜燈謎,政府還會舉辦熱鬧的台灣燈會,我們寫了這篇元宵節特輯,幫大家整理常用的元宵節英文說法,如燈籠、湯圓、元宵、花燈,在快樂 ...
也許各位聽過細菌、真菌、酵母菌 ..... 等,各式各樣的菌,雖然中文都是用「菌」這個自來詮釋,但實際上,這些菌在英文裡都是不一樣的字,不可以混為一談,今天每天學英文單字就帶大家來認識細菌、真菌究竟有什麼區別?它們的英文又該怎麼說呢?細菌首先我們來看細菌,說到細菌,大多數人都會有 ...