thin bamboo sticks名詞
bamboo skewers
- Thin bamboo sticks are commonly used as skewers for grilled kebabs.
竹籤常用作烤串的燒烤竹籤。 - She used thin bamboo sticks to hold the pieces of fruit in the fruit salad.
她用細竹籤固定水果沙拉中的水果片。 - The restaurant provided thin bamboo sticks for customers to use when eating hot pot.
餐廳提供細竹籤供客人在吃火鍋時使用。 - They used thin bamboo sticks to build a miniature bamboo house for their school project.
他們用細竹籤搭建了一座迷你竹籬篱屋作為學校專案。 - Thin bamboo sticks are ideal for crafting miniature fences and garden decorations.
細竹籤非常適合製作迷你圍欄和花園裝飾品。 - She carefully threaded beads onto thin bamboo sticks to create handmade jewelry.
她小心翼翼地把珠子穿在細竹籤上,做出了手工珠寶。 - The artist used thin bamboo sticks as brushes to create intricate patterns in the painting.
藝術家使用細竹籤作為畫筆,在畫作中繪製出精細的圖案。 - They fashioned a birdcage out of thin bamboo sticks for their pet bird.
他們用細竹籤製作了一個鳥籠給他們的寵物鳥。 - Thin bamboo sticks are commonly used as support for climbing plants in the garden.
細竹籤常用作花園中攀爬植物的支撐物。 - They tied the curtains back with thin bamboo sticks to let more light into the room.
來認識串燒的英文說法(原始圖片由 TripperWay旅遊網站授權使用)
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