plant a tree動詞
Every spring, volunteers gather for a day of planting trees to help reforest the area.
每年春天,志願者們聚集一天時間來種植樹木,以幫助重新造林。 -
The city council launched a campaign to promote planting trees in urban areas for a greener environment.
市議會發起了一項宣傳活動,在城市地區推廣種植樹木,以營造更綠色的環境。 -
Farmers are encouraged to participate in tree-planting programs to prevent soil erosion and improve land fertility.
鼓勵農民參加植樹計劃,以防止土壤侵蝕,提高土地肥沃度。 -
Students from the local school took part in a tree-planting event to learn about environmental conservation.
本地學校的學生參加了一個植樹活動,以了解環境保護。 -
The government allocated funds for the planting of native tree species to preserve biodiversity.
政府撥款用於種植本土樹種,以保護生物多樣性。 -
Arborists carefully selected the location and species for planting trees in the city park.
樹木專家精心選擇了城市公園種植樹木的位置和品種。 -
The tree-planting ceremony marked the beginning of a reforestation project in the fire-damaged area.
植樹典禮標誌著在受火災損壞地區開展重新造林專案的開始。 -
Volunteers armed with shovels and saplings set out to the barren hillsides for a day of tree planting.
拿著鏟子和幼苗的志願者們前往荒蕪的山坡,進行一天的植樹活動。 -
The environmental organization launched a campaign urging citizens to participate in community tree-planting initiatives.
環境組織發起了一項運動,敦促市民參與社區植樹計劃。 -
Planting trees is not only beneficial for the environment but also creates habitats for wildlife.
說到樹懶(英文:sloth)這種動物,很多人應該都會想到牠用超級緩慢的速度在樹上掛著,然後慢慢移動的樣貌吧!其實樹懶不是台灣原生種的動物,必須在中南美洲的熱帶雨林(tropical rainforest)才看得到,或者是特定的動物園(zoo),所以大部分可能都沒有親眼看過牠們,今 ...
清明節(Qingming Festival 或 Ching Ming festival)是臺灣非常重要的一個節日,其實清明原本只是二十四節氣之一,在春分之後,穀雨之前,時間為每年陽曆4月4日或5日太陽到達黃經15°時開始,通常落在國曆4月4日或4月5日其中一天,經過數千年 ...