[名詞] research and development;[動詞] develop
The company invested heavily in research and development to innovate new products.
公司大力投資於研究和開發,以創新新產品。 -
Research and development are essential for staying competitive in the market.
研究和開發對於在市場上保持競爭力極為重要。 -
The R&D department is responsible for designing and testing new technologies.
研發部門負責設計和測試新技術。 -
The company's success is largely due to its focus on continuous R&D efforts.
公司的成功在很大程度上要歸功於其對持續研發工作的重視。 -
Engineers and scientists collaborate closely in the R&D process.
工程師和科學家在研發過程中緊密合作。 -
The R&D team is working on a project to develop eco-friendly materials.
研發團隊正在進行一個開發環保材料的專案。 -
The company's R&D efforts have resulted in several patented technologies.
公司的研發工作已經取得了幾項專利技術。 -
Cutting-edge research and development facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment.
前沿的研發設施配備了最先進的設備。 -
The R&D process involves brainstorming, prototyping, and rigorous testing.
研發過程包括頭腦風暴,原型製作和嚴格測試。 -
The company plans to allocate more resources to expand its R&D capabilities.
原始圖片:太陽能板及EVA太陽能封裝膜介紹(由 TripperWay 旅遊網站授權使用)
綠能,又稱再生能源或潔淨能源,英文可以稱為 green energy, renewable energy 或 clean energy,綠能是指取自自然界、取之不盡、用之不竭的能源,且在使 ...
說到台灣的早餐,當然不能少了蛋餅(egg pancake roll)這一味,傳統的蛋餅就是蛋餅皮與雞蛋這兩種主要食材在平底鍋上煎,不過現在 的早餐店已經研發出各式各樣不同口味的蛋餅,在蛋餅中夾了不同的食材,例如火腿、起司、肉鬆、玉米粒、海苔、苜蓿芽、生菜... 等,各式各樣的食材 ...