Running a successful business requires dedication and hard work.
經營一家成功的生意需要奉獻和努力。 -
She started her own business after years of working in the industry.
在該行業工作多年後,她開始了自己的生意。 -
The small business owner is looking to expand into new markets.
這位小生意主正在尋求拓展到新市場。 -
Business negotiations can sometimes be complex and challenging.
生意談判有時可能會很複雜和具有挑戰性。 -
The family business has been passed down for generations.
這家家族生意已經傳承了幾代人。 -
The entrepreneur's innovative ideas helped the business thrive.
這位企業家的創新思維幫助生意蓬勃發展。 -
The business plan outlines the company's goals and strategies.
生意計劃概述了公司的目標和策略。 -
The business community plays a vital role in the city's economy.
生意界在這個城市的經濟中扮演著極為重要的角色。 -
The new partnership brought fresh opportunities for the business.
新的合作夥伴為生意帶來了新的機遇。 -
The entrepreneur took a risk to start her own business.
有些情況會需要要求對方排隊,例如你有一家生意很好的商店,你希望消費者可以根據設計好的動線排隊購買商品,你可以立一個請排隊的牌子或張貼說明海報,又或者你想糾正插隊的人,請對方照大家的規則排隊,請排隊的英文最常見的說法是 Please line up,這句的字面解釋很簡單,Line ...
新的一年又到了,大家總是會向彼此說些祝福的話,幾乎大家都會說「新年快樂、恭喜發財」這句,用英文要如何表達這句傳統東方的新年祝賀詞呢?其實很簡單,「新年快樂」的英文最常見的說法是「Happy New Year!」,也可以說「Wishing you a happ ...
每到過年,大家都需要新年祝賀詞跟親朋好友們互道新年快樂(Happy New Year),為了讓大家方便找到簡單又優美的新年祝賀詞英文句子,每天學英文單字的編輯們絞盡腦汁,幫所有讀者朋友們準備了這些好用的祝賀詞,歡迎大家多多利用,無論傳簡訊、Message、傳 Line 都好用。