fried rice vermicelli名詞
- Fried rice vermicelli is Taiwanese authentic snack.
炒米粉是台灣道地的小吃。 -
Fried rice vermicelli is delicious, but soon you will be hungry.
炒米粉很好吃,不過很快你就會肚子餓。 -
Around the 1970s, almost every housewife would cook fried rice vermicelli.
大約在1970年代,幾乎每位家庭主婦都會做炒米粉。 -
With the progress of the times, today's housewives rarely make fried rice vermicelli, because you can buy delicious fried rice vermicelli from many places, so you don't need to do it yourself.
隨著時代的進步,現在的家庭主婦很少會做炒米粉,因為許多地方都買得到好吃的炒米粉,所以不需要自己做。 -
Fried rice vermicelli is a common snack in the night market and are usually very cheap.
炒米粉是夜市常見的小吃,通常都很便宜。 -
I like to add some chili sauce to the fried rice vermicelli to make the taste better.
我喜歡在炒米粉裡加入一些辣椒醬,讓味道更好吃。 -
As soon as you walk into the snack bar, you can see the fried rice vermicelli and fried noodles on the table.
當你一走進小吃店,你就能看到桌上的炒米粉及炒麵。 -
Taiwanese fried rice vermicelli usually use some shiitake and dried shrimps.
台灣的炒米粉通常會用一些香菇及乾燥蝦仁。 -
My dinner is a plate of fried rice vermicelli and a bowl of pork ball soup, a very authentic snack.
我的晚餐是一盤炒米粉及一碗貢丸湯,非常道地的小吃。 - The theme of today's cooking course is fried rice vermicelli.
臺灣人愛吃宵夜幾乎已經是全世界都知道的事情,你看臺灣各縣市都有特色的夜市就知道,都市裡也到處都有開很晚的美食商店,琳琅滿目的美食可以當作宵夜的好選擇,宵夜的英文可以用 late-night snacks 來表示,其中 late-night 表示比普通晚餐還要晚的概念,snacks ...
夜市可以說是台灣的在地文化代表之一,許多人都喜歡逛夜市,在夜市裡可以找到許多好吃的美食及好玩的元素,如果你有老外朋友來台灣,你想帶他們去逛逛台灣的夜市,那你大概會需要認識一些夜市常見的美食英文名稱,才能好好的把台灣夜市美食介紹給外國朋友們,一起來看看吧!饒河街觀光夜市人潮※圖片取 ...