Cooling and Refreshing
A glass of ice-cold lemonade is the perfect drink to cool down and quench your thirst on a hot day.
一杯冰涼的檸檬水是在炎熱的日子裡消暑解渴的完美飲料。 -
Fresh watermelon slices are incredibly refreshing and thirst-quenching during the summer heat.
新鮮的西瓜片在夏日炎熱中非常消暑解渴。 -
I love to enjoy a tall glass of iced tea with a hint of mint to stay cool and hydrated.
我喜歡喝一杯加入少許薄荷的冰茶,保持涼爽和水分充足。 -
Coconut water is a natural and healthy way to stay refreshed and hydrated in the summer.
椰子水是夏季保持清爽和水分充足的天然健康方式。 -
Sipping on a cold sports drink after a workout helps replenish electrolytes and cool down the body.
在鍛煉後啜飲一杯冷的運動飲料有助於補充電解質,降溫身體。 -
A fruit smoothie made with yogurt and berries is both delicious and cooling.
用優格和莓果製作的水果奶昔既美味又消暑解渴。 -
Hydrating with a refreshing cucumber-infused water is a great way to beat the summer heat.
用清爽的黃瓜水補充水分是擊敗夏日高溫的好方法。 -
Enjoying a cold and crisp salad with plenty of water-rich vegetables is a cooling meal option.
品嚐一份冷酷清脆的沙拉,其中含有豐富的水分蔬菜,是一個消暑解渴的用餐選擇。 -
I always keep a bottle of chilled water handy to stay cool and hydrated throughout the day.
我總是隨身攜帶一瓶冷藏的水,以便整天保持涼爽和水分充足。 -
A refreshing fruit-infused iced tea is my go-to drink to combat the summer heat.
哈密瓜又稱為哈蜜瓜,是一種來自葫蘆科植物的水果,其學名為Cucumis melo var. reticulatus,學名總是複雜的,我們只要記得英文名稱 Cantaloupe 就很夠用了,哈密瓜在夏季生長,其外形通常呈現圓形或橢圓形,果皮表面光滑,呈現黃色至橙色,並帶有淡淡的網狀 ...
火龍果又稱為仙人掌果、紅龍果、龍珠果、量天尺果或皇后果,英文簡稱為 pitaya,是一種來自仙人掌科的水果,原產於中美洲地區,後來被引入到東南亞等地區種植,它的外觀獨特,擁有鮮豔的色彩、獨特的外形和豐富的營養成分,因此深受人們喜愛,火龍果的果實通常由兩種主要類型:紅肉火龍果和白肉 ...