air fryer名詞
- She used the air fryer to make crispy and golden french fries without all the oil.
她使用氣炸鍋做出了金黃酥脆的薯條,而不需使用大量的油。 - The air fryer quickly became her favorite kitchen appliance for its healthy cooking.
氣炸鍋迅速成為了她最喜歡的廚房用具,因為它可以健康烹飪。 - He experimented with different recipes in the air fryer, from chicken wings to vegetable chips.
他在氣炸鍋中試驗了不同的食譜,從雞翅到蔬菜片。 - The air fryer circulated hot air around the food, giving it a crispy texture.
氣炸鍋將熱空氣循環在食物周圍,使其變得酥脆。 - She found that the air fryer was perfect for making healthier versions of fried chicken.
她發現氣炸鍋非常適合做出更健康的炸雞。 - They enjoyed a guilt-free snack of air-fried potato wedges from the air fryer.
他們享受著來自氣炸鍋的無負擔的炸薯條小吃。 - The air fryer had a timer setting, so she could set it and forget it while it cooked.
氣炸鍋有計時器設定,她可以設定好後忘記它,讓它自己烹飪。 - He appreciated how the air fryer made cleanup easy with its removable basket.
他欣賞氣炸鍋的可拆卸籃子,使清潔變得更加容易。 - She cooked a batch of crispy spring rolls in the air fryer for a healthier twist.
她用氣炸鍋做了一批酥脆的春捲,給了它們更健康的味道。 - The air fryer was a game-changer in their kitchen, allowing for guilt-free indulgence in fried foods.
氣炸鍋可以說是近兩年來超夯的產品,幾乎在全世界都很熱門,因為氣炸鍋不用油炸的方式,卻可以創造出類似油炸的美食,用起來相當方便,如果你在國外的購物網站想找氣炸鍋,該用哪個英文來找呢?用網路翻譯可能會從字面直接翻出 Gas fryer 這樣的答案(如下圖所示),其實是不正確的唷!氣炸 ...
炸物很受年輕人喜愛,用食用油來炸食物的鍋子稱為油炸鍋或俗稱油鍋,有些人會把油炸鍋英文說成 oil pan,這是不正確的唷!這樣說絕對會造成誤會,也許字面上 oil + pan 這樣「油 + 鍋子」看似正確,不過其實 oil pan 在英文裡通常指的是「汽車的油底殼」,也就是用來裝 ...