telescope 通常是指天文望遠鏡,一般手持的雙筒望遠鏡英文稱為 binoculars(雙目望遠鏡、雙筒望遠鏡),通常用複數,也稱為 field glasses(野外望遠鏡),單筒望遠鏡英文是 monocular。
- He peered through the telescope to observe the stars in the night sky.
他透過望遠鏡觀察夜空中的星星。 - The sailors used the telescope to scan the horizon for any signs of land.
漁夫們用望遠鏡掃視地平線,看是否有陸地的蹤跡。 - With the telescope, she could see the details of the distant mountain range.
她用望遠鏡可以看到遠方山脈的細節。 - The astronomer adjusted the focus of the telescope to study a distant galaxy.
天文學家調整望遠鏡的焦距,研究遙遠的星系。 - They passed the telescope around so everyone could get a closer look at the comet.
他們把望遠鏡傳遞下去,讓每個人都可以更近距離地觀察彗星。 - The pirate captain used the spyglass to scout for other ships on the horizon.
海盜船長用望遠鏡在地平線上搜尋其他船隻。 - The birdwatcher spotted a rare species through her binoculars.
鳥觀察者透過望遠鏡發現了一種罕見的鳥類。 - The children took turns looking through the telescope at the craters on the moon.
孩子們輪流用望遠鏡觀看月球上的撞擊坑。 - From the top of the tower, the city looked miniature through the telescope.
從塔頂上用望遠鏡看,城市顯得微型。 - The scientist spent hours observing the behavior of the animals through the telescope.
流星的成因是來自太陽系內外太空的塵埃粒子或固體碎塊,在受到地球引力的吸引下,進入地球大氣層,與大氣層中的空氣摩擦燃燒,而發出耀眼光芒的現象,這種外太空衝進地球的塊狀物質在英文裡有兩種說法,分別是 meteor 及 meteorite,這兩者的解釋不同,一個是流 ...
台北天文館的天文望遠鏡 原圖
天文望 ...