most beloved
This restaurant is my favorite place to eat because of its delicious food.
這家餐廳是我最愛的地方,因為它的食物美味可口。 -
Among all the colors, blue is her favorite.
在所有顏色中,藍色是她最愛的。 -
"The Lion King" is a classic and one of my all-time favorite movies.
《獅子王》是一部經典電影,也是我歷久彌新的最愛之一。 -
His favorite hobby is playing the guitar and writing songs.
他最愛的愛好是彈吉他和寫歌。 -
The book has become a bestseller and gained a lot of fans who call it their favorite.
這本書成為了暢銷書,贏得了很多稱之為最愛的粉絲。 -
She keeps a photo album with pictures of her favorite memories from childhood.
她保存著一本相冊,裡面是她童年時最愛的回憶照片。 -
My favorite season is autumn because of the beautiful colors of the leaves.
我最愛的季節是秋天,因為樹葉的美麗色彩。 -
The little girl carries her favorite teddy bear with her everywhere she goes.
這個小女孩無論走到哪裡都帶著她最愛的泰迪熊。 -
He received a gift from his best frienda collection of his favorite comic books.
他從他最好的朋友那裡收到了一份禮物——他最愛的漫畫書集。 -
The musician played her favorite song on the piano to the delight of the audience.
台灣人早期其實是不吃牛肉的,或是很少吃牛肉,因為牛會幫人們耕田,但近年來,隨著台灣人飲食西化的影響,牛排館到處林立,越來越多人會吃牛肉、牛排,台灣人常吃的牛排種類其實蠻多的,不同的牛排種類或名稱其實來自於不同的部位,再透過不同的料理方式可以呈現不同的風味,這裡稍微整理一下台灣 ...
粥這種食物在全世界都很常見,在東方的飲食文化裡,粥占有很重要的部分,台灣人早餐常吃的稀飯也是粥的一種,另外夜市或美食街常出現的廣東粥也是許多人的最愛,粥的口味非常多樣化,尤其是台灣人很熟悉的廣東粥就有非常多種類,例如艇仔粥、及第粥、豬紅粥、皮蛋瘦肉粥、白果薏米粥、黃花魚粥、米砂粥 ...