- The weather is getting warmer in the spring.
春天到了,天氣越來越暖和了。 - Spring is a time for new beginnings.
春天是萬物復甦的季節。 - I love the smell of flowers in the springtime.
我喜歡春天花朵的香味。 - Spring is a great time to go hiking or camping.
春天是戶外踏青的好時光。 - Many people celebrate Easter in the spring.
許多人在春天慶祝復活節。 - Spring is a time of hope and renewal.
春天是充滿希望和新生的季節。 - The days are getting longer in the spring.
春天白晝越來越長。 - The birds are singing more often in the spring.
春天鳥兒們叫得更頻繁了。 - The trees are starting to bud in the spring.
春天樹木開始發芽了。 - The flowers are blooming in the spring.
原始圖片由 TripperWay 旅遊授權使用
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