Very Suitable
This cozy café is very suitable for a relaxing afternoon tea.
這家舒適的咖啡館很適合放鬆的下午茶。 -
Her skills and experience make her very suitable for the managerial position.
她的技能和經驗使她很適合擔任管理職位。 -
The warm climate in this region is very suitable for growing tropical fruits.
這個地區的溫暖氣候很適合種植熱帶水果。 -
The spacious garden is very suitable for hosting outdoor events.
寬敞的花園很適合舉辦室外活動。 -
The lightweight material of this jacket is very suitable for travel.
這件夾克的輕質材料很適合旅行。 -
The flexible schedule of the online course is very suitable for working professionals.
在線課程的靈活時間安排很適合職業人士。 -
The cozy cabin in the mountains is very suitable for a weekend getaway.
山區的舒適小屋很適合週末度假。 -
The hotel's elegant décor and amenities are very suitable for a romantic getaway.
飯店優雅的裝飾和設施很適合浪漫度假。 -
The quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the library is very suitable for studying.
圖書館的寧靜和平和氛圍很適合學習。 -
The advanced features of this software make it very suitable for professional designers.
warm 這個英文單字意思是 ...
百香果也稱為西番蓮果,學名為 Passiflora edulis,是西番蓮科(學名:Passiflora spp.)的其中一個品種,原產於南美洲,是一種熱帶水果,其外觀獨特,口感豐富,而且擁有令人愉悅的香味,百香果的英文稱為 Passion fruit。以下是有關百香果的一些特點 ...
橄欖油是橄欖樹的果實(就是橄欖)經過壓榨後所取得的食用油(edible oil),高品質的橄欖油是地中海飲食中不可缺少的角色,橄欖油的英文通常就稱為olive oil,不過這是概稱,實際上,橄欖油還根據橄欖本身的品質及榨取次數,區分為多個不同的等級,不同等級的橄欖油會有不同的油品 ...