The new smartphone model has become widely popular among tech enthusiasts.
這款新的智能手機型號已在科技愛好者中廣受歡迎。 -
The movie's gripping storyline and stellar performances made it a widely popular film.
電影引人入勝的故事情節和出色的表演使其成為一部廣受歡迎的電影。 -
The restaurant's signature dish, a mouthwatering steak, is widely popular among foodies.
這家餐廳的招牌菜,一道令人垂涎的牛排,在美食愛好者中廣受歡迎。 -
The novel's relatable characters and engaging plot have made it widely popular with readers.
這本小說中可親近的角色和引人入勝的情節使其在讀者中廣受歡迎。 -
Social media platforms have made online shopping widely popular and convenient.
社交媒體平台使網上購物變得廣受歡迎並且方便。 -
The fashion brand's unique designs and high-quality materials have made it widely popular in the fashion industry.
這個時尚品牌獨特的設計和高品質的材料使其在時尚界廣受歡迎。 -
The artist's latest album has quickly become widely popular, topping music charts.
這位藝術家的最新專輯迅速變得廣受歡迎,登上了音樂排行榜。 -
The app's user-friendly interface and innovative features have made it widely popular among smartphone users.
這款應用程序的用戶友好界面和創新功能使其在智能手機用戶中廣受歡迎。 -
The tourist destination's stunning scenery and rich history have made it widely popular with travelers.
這個旅遊目的地壯麗的風景和豐富的歷史使其在旅行者中廣受歡迎。 -
The fitness class's energetic workouts and positive atmosphere have made it widely popular at the gym.
酪梨又被稱為牛油果,英文名稱為 Avocado,是一種廣受歡迎的水果,以其獨特的口感和營養價值而受到喜愛,在台灣的水果店、超市、大賣場經常出現,酪梨外表呈橢圓形或梨形,表皮綠色或紫色,有時帶有粗糙的表面,有時候則是光滑的,內部果肉柔軟,呈奶油狀,具有淡淡的均衡風味。
酪梨的營養 ...
百香果也稱為西番蓮果,學名為 Passiflora edulis,是西番蓮科(學名:Passiflora spp.)的其中一個品種,原產於南美洲,是一種熱帶水果,其外觀獨特,口感豐富,而且擁有令人愉悅的香味,百香果的英文稱為 Passion fruit。以下是有關百香果的一些特點 ...