common yam名詞
Chinese yam; cinnamon vine
- Common yam is usually buried deep underground.
山藥通常深埋於地下。 -
Common yam is native to China.
山藥原產於中國。 -
Common yam grows in areas ranging from 350 meters to 1,100 meters.
山藥生長於海拔350公尺至1100公尺的地區。 -
Common yam has medicinal value.
山藥具有藥用價值。 -
Common yam is a nutrient-rich plant.
山藥是營養豐富的植物。 -
The biggest feature of common yam is that it contains a lot of mucin.
山藥的最大特點是含有大量的黏蛋白。 -
Part of the common yam has a special health effect on the human body.
山藥的部分成分對人體具有特殊的保健作用。 -
A small percentage of people are allergic to common yam.
少部分的人對山藥會產生過敏。 -
Cutting fresh common yam will have a sticky, slippery mucus.
切開新鮮的山藥會有黏黏滑滑的黏液。 -
Mother cooked a pot of common yam ribs soup.
媽媽煮了一鍋山藥排骨湯。 -
You can buy common yam at a nearby hypermarket.
你可以在附近的大賣場購買山藥。 -
According to medical research, common yam is a natural vegetable that has many benefits to the human body.
根據醫學研究,山藥是對人體有許多益處的天然蔬菜。 -
Common yam is a healthy food with high sugar, high protein and low fat.
山藥是高醣類、高蛋白質而又低脂的健康食物。 -
Common yam is rich in minerals and vitamins needed by many people.
山藥是非常營養的植物,可以用來燉山藥排骨湯、山藥雞湯、涼拌山藥黑木耳,甚至是加鮮奶打成山藥牛奶都很棒,你知道山藥的英文要怎麼說嗎?如果在搜尋引擎直接找「山藥英文」會出現下方這樣的結果,所以有些人就誤以為山藥的英文是 Yam,其實山藥不能只叫 Yam 唷!Yam 代表很多種東西。