The atmosphere is composed of several layers, including the troposphere and stratosphere.
大氣由多層組成,包括對流層和平流層。 -
The ozone layer in the atmosphere plays a crucial role in protecting life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
大氣中的臭氧層在保護地球上的生命免受有害的紫外線輻射方面起著至關重要的作用。 -
Weather patterns are influenced by various factors, including temperature and humidity in the atmosphere.
天氣模式受到大氣中溫度和濕度等多種因素的影響。 -
Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
燃燒化石燃料等人類活動會將溫室氣體釋放到大氣中,從而促進全球變暖。 -
The atmosphere acts as a shield, protecting the Earth's surface from space debris and small meteoroids.
大氣起到屏障作用,保護地球表面免受太空碎片和小型隕石的撞擊。 -
The composition of the atmosphere determines the availability of oxygen for living organisms.
大氣組成確定了生物體內氧氣的供應。 -
Volcanic eruptions can release large amounts of ash and gases into the atmosphere, affecting the climate.
火山爆發會將大量的灰塵和氣體釋放到大氣中,影響氣候。 -
Air pollution can result from human activities and industrial processes, degrading the quality of the atmosphere.
空氣污染可以是人類活動和工業過程導致的,降低了大氣的質量。 -
The study of atmospheric science helps us understand weather patterns and climate change.
大氣科學的研究幫助我們理解天氣模式和氣候變化。 -
The atmosphere contains trace amounts of gases like carbon dioxide, which are essential for maintaining the Earth's temperature and climate balance.
流星的成因是來自太陽系內外太空的塵埃粒子或固體碎塊,在受到地球引力的吸引下,進入地球大氣層,與大氣層中的空氣摩擦燃燒,而發出耀眼光芒的現象,這種外太空衝進地球的塊狀物質在英文裡有兩種說法,分別是 meteor 及 meteorite,這兩者的解釋不同,一個是流 ...
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