Out of Town
- Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the meeting because I'll be out of town.
不幸的是,我將因外地行程無法參加會議。 -
He's visiting relatives who live out of town this weekend.
他本週末去拜訪住在外地的親戚。 - The company has branches in several cities, so I often have to travel out of town for work.
公司在多個城市都有分支機構,所以我常常因工作需要出差外地。 -
Traveling out of town allows you to experience different cultures and cuisines.
出差外地讓你能夠體驗不同的文化和美食。 -
She went out of town to attend a conference on environmental conservation.
她去外地參加了一個關於環境保護的會議。 -
Living out of town can be more peaceful and less crowded than in the city.
住在外地可以比在城市裡更寧靜,人潮也較少。 -
He is currently working in a company located in a foreign city.
他目前在一家位於外地的公司工作。 -
Many tourists visit this area, especially those from out of town.
許多遊客參觀這個地區,尤其是來自外地的遊客。 -
Due to the pandemic, travel to other regions has been restricted.
由於大流行,前往其他地區的旅行受到了限制。 -
My family is originally from a different province, but we moved here a few years ago.
我的家庭原本來自外地的一個省份,但幾年前我們搬到了這裡。 -
The conference will be attended by participants from various locations, both local and out-of-town.
台灣的中秋節是一個重要的傳統節日,時間為每年的農曆8月15日,是擁有悠久歷史的節慶之一,台灣人通常會在中秋節烤肉、聚餐、賞月、吃月餅、吃柚子,全家人團聚在一起談天說地,聊聊平時念書或工作的事情,是個家人們情感交流的節日,就算在外地念書或工作,無法趕回家一起團聚,也會傳些祝福語或打 ...
端午節不只是東亞生活圈的重要節日,也是臺灣人闔家團圓的一個重要節日,端午節的日期是每年的農曆五月五日,大約是國曆的六月份,西方世界也有許多人會想認識我們的端午節,這篇就來幫大家介紹端午節常用到的一些英文說法,也許在英文寫作或與外國朋友聊天時可以用得上,本篇文章以端午節的由來及習俗 ...