This type of cheese has a rich flavor and a soft, chunky texture.
這種奶酪有著濃郁的味道和柔軟的塊狀質地。 -
The cake is adorned with soft, chunky buttercream decorations, making it irresistibly delicious.
蛋糕上有著鬆軟的奶油塊狀裝飾,顯得非常美味。 -
The sauce of this dish presents a rich and chunky texture, which is very appetizing.
這道料理的醬汁呈現出濃郁的塊狀口感,非常開胃。 -
Coffee-flavored ice cream is studded with chunks of chocolate, providing a distinct texture.
咖啡口味的冰淇淋中添加了巧克力塊狀,帶來不同的口感。 -
This salad incorporates fresh fruits, creating a colorful and chunky visual effect.
這個沙拉用上了新鮮的水果,營造出色彩繽紛的塊狀效果。 -
The chunky portions of the meat are carefully cooked, preserving their tender texture.
肉類的塊狀部分經過精心烹調,保持了肉質的嫩滑。 -
This chocolate bar features nuts and caramel chunks, making it irresistibly delicious.
這種巧克力棒有著堅果和焦糖塊狀,令人愛不釋口。 -
The bread chunks in this dish are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, a popular snack.
這道菜的麵包塊狀外酥內軟,是一道受歡迎的點心。 -
The dough has been kneaded into uniform chunks, ready for the fermentation process.
麵團經過揉捏後形成了均勻的塊狀,準備進行發酵。 -
This soup includes chunks of vegetables and meat, providing both nutrition and deliciousness.
流星的成因是來自太陽系內外太空的塵埃粒子或固體碎塊,在受到地球引力的吸引下,進入地球大氣層,與大氣層中的空氣摩擦燃燒,而發出耀眼光芒的現象,這種外太空衝進地球的塊狀物質在英文裡有兩種說法,分別是 meteor 及 meteorite,這兩者的解釋不同,一個是流 ...
酪梨又被稱為牛油果,英文名稱為 Avocado,是一種廣受歡迎的水果,以其獨特的口感和營養價值而受到喜愛,在台灣的水果店、超市、大賣場經常出現,酪梨外表呈橢圓形或梨形,表皮綠色或紫色,有時帶有粗糙的表面,有時候則是光滑的,內部果肉柔軟,呈奶油狀,具有淡淡的均衡風味。
酪梨的營養 ...