Plain Egg Pancake
- I'll have a plain egg pancake with just salt and pepper, please.
我要一個只有鹽和胡椒的原味蛋餅,謝謝。 - He enjoys the simplicity of a plain egg pancake without any added ingredients.
他喜歡沒有添加任何配料的原味蛋餅的簡潔風味。 - The breakfast menu includes a variety of options, from savory to sweet, including plain egg pancakes.
早餐菜單包括多種選擇,從鹹到甜,包括原味蛋餅。 - Sometimes, a plain egg pancake with a side of fresh fruit is all you need for a satisfying breakfast.
有時,一個原味蛋餅配上新鮮水果,就足以滿足你的早餐需求。 - I ordered a plain egg pancake because I wanted to enjoy the natural taste of the eggs.
我點了一個原味蛋餅,因為我想品味雞蛋的自然風味。 - The plain egg pancake is a classic choice for those who prefer a simple breakfast.
原味蛋餅是經典的選擇,適合喜歡簡單早餐的人。 - The street vendor specializes in making delicious plain egg pancakes cooked to perfection.
這個街邊攤專門製作美味的原味蛋餅,做得恰到好處。 - For a twist, you can add some cheese or herbs to your plain egg pancake.
要有些變化,你可以在原味蛋餅上加一些芝士或香草。 - The plain egg pancake is often served as a base, with various toppings and fillings available.
原味蛋餅通常作為基底供應,提供多種配料和餡料。 - Despite its simplicity, a well-made plain egg pancake can be incredibly satisfying and delicious.
台灣人的早餐文化很豐富,反映了多元的飲食傳統與口味偏好,早餐在台灣被視為一天中重要的一餐,不僅填飽肚子,更是社交交流與家庭情感的重要場合,不過忙碌的台灣人也經常不在家吃早餐,人們通常會選擇在便利商店、早餐店、小攤販、街邊攤或傳統市場購買美味的早點,台灣的早餐也稱為早點,等於英文的 ...
說到台灣的早餐,當然不能少了蛋餅(egg pancake roll)這一味,傳統的蛋餅就是蛋餅皮與雞蛋這兩種主要食材在平底鍋上煎,不過現在 的早餐店已經研發出各式各樣不同口味的蛋餅,在蛋餅中夾了不同的食材,例如火腿、起司、肉鬆、玉米粒、海苔、苜蓿芽、生菜... 等,各式各樣的食材 ...