She carefully peeled the shell and extracted the walnut kernel.
她細心地剝殼,將核桃的果仁取了出來。 -
We need to be careful when peeling, so as not to break the legs of the crab.
我們剝殼的時候要小心,以免弄破螃蟹的腿。 -
This tool makes it easy to peel the shells off shrimp.
這種工具可以輕鬆地剝開蝦的外殼。 -
She enjoys eating melon seeds and peels them one by one each time.
她喜歡吃瓜子,每次都要一顆顆剝殼。 -
I'm not good at peeling orange peels; I always make a mess.
我不擅長剝開橙子的皮,總是弄得一團糟。 -
The egg, once peeled, has a vibrant color that whets the appetite.
剝殼後的蛋顏色鮮豔,讓人胃口大開。 -
I enjoy eating fragrant peeled peanuts; they are exceptionally delicious.
我喜歡吃嘴巴噴香的剝殼花生,特別美味。 -
She skillfully shelled the lobster, revealing its tender meat.
她技巧十足地剝開了龍蝦的殼,露出鮮嫩的肉。 -
Many types of fruit are only edible after their shells have been peeled, such as durians and pomelos.
許多種水果在剝殼後才能食用,如榴槤和柚子。 -
The restaurant's signature dish is peeled jumbo shrimp, which is highly favored by customers.
龍眼是一種熱帶水果,學名為 Dimocarpus longan,英文名稱為 Longan,屬於相當受歡迎的水果之一,廣泛種植於東南亞和其他熱帶地區,是台灣夏季常見的水果,它的外觀呈現圓形,有著薄而堅硬的外殼,外皮呈現紅褐色或黃褐色,表面有許多小凸點,而果肉則是透明的白色。龍眼的果 ...
好像一到過年大家聚在一起就要嗑瓜子,一邊嗑瓜子一邊聊天,再順便喝杯茶,台灣人過年愛吃的瓜子通常有三種,分別是南瓜子、葵瓜子及西瓜子,你喜歡吃哪一種呢?這三種瓜子來自不同的植物,它們的英文名稱也都不一樣,不過共同的地方是都會用到 seed 這個英文單字,seed 的意思是植物的種子 ...