The family's shared breakfast time created a sense of cohesion and unity.
家人共享的早餐時間營造出凝聚力和團結感。 -
Team-building activities are often organized to foster cohesion among colleagues.
常常組織團隊建設活動來促進同事之間的凝聚力。 -
The festival celebration brought the community together, fostering a strong sense of cohesion.
節日慶典使社區走到一起,培養了濃厚的凝聚感。 -
Open communication is crucial for maintaining cohesion within a group.
開放溝通對於保持團體內的凝聚力至關重要。 -
The shared values and goals of a team contribute to its cohesion and effectiveness.
團隊共同的價值觀和目標有助於其凝聚力和效能。 -
The club's regular gatherings helped strengthen the cohesion among its members.
俱樂部的定期聚會有助於加強會員之間的凝聚力。 -
The school organized group projects to promote cohesion and collaboration among students.
學校組織了團體項目,以促進學生之間的凝聚力和合作。 -
Cultural events can play a role in building cohesion within a diverse community.
文化活動可以在多元社區中建立凝聚力。 -
Effective leadership is essential for maintaining cohesion and harmony within an organization.
有效的領導對於維持組織內的凝聚力和和諧至關重要。 -
The sense of cohesion among volunteers made the charity event a great success.
台灣人的早餐文化很豐富,反映了多元的飲食傳統與口味偏好,早餐在台灣被視為一天中重要的一餐,不僅填飽肚子,更是社交交流與家庭情感的重要場合,不過忙碌的台灣人也經常不在家吃早餐,人們通常會選擇在便利商店、早餐店、小攤販、街邊攤或傳統市場購買美味的早點,台灣的早餐也稱為早點,等於英文的 ...
中秋節(英文:Mid-Autumn Festival)要到了,台灣人總是喜歡在中秋節烤肉(barbecue、BBQ),似乎烤肉就是一種標準的習俗活動,其實沒有這項規定啦!不過烤肉確實也是個凝聚家人團聚力的一種好方式,從準備食材、挑選場地、生火烤肉、一起享用烤肉大餐、賞月、喝啤酒或 ...