Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves regular exercise and a balanced diet.
保持健康的生活方式包括定期運動和均衡的飲食。 -
Good mental health is essential for overall well-being and a healthy life.
良好的心理健康對於整體幸福和健康的生活極為重要。 -
Adequate sleep is crucial for a healthy body and mind.
充足的睡眠對於健康的身心極為重要。 -
Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider are important for maintaining a healthy status.
定期與醫療保健提供者的檢查對於保持健康的狀態很重要。 -
A healthy diet should include a variety of fruits and vegetables.
健康的飲食應該包括各種水果和蔬菜。 -
Physical activity is a key component of a healthy lifestyle.
體育活動是健康的生活方式的重要組成部分。 -
Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is part of staying healthy.
避免吸煙和過度飲酒是保持健康的一部分。 -
Positive relationships with others contribute to a healthy social life.
與他人建立積極的關係有助於健康的社交生活。 -
Mental health awareness is essential for promoting a healthy society.
心理健康的意識對於促進健康社會極為重要。 -
Being proactive in preventive healthcare measures is a sign of a responsible and healthy individual.
糖在日常生活中扮演著非常重要的角色,雖然說攝取過多的糖會影響健康,但人類也不可能完全不需要糖對吧!?在我們的許多食品中都有添加糖,做各種料理也需要加入不一樣的糖,例如紅糖、黑糖、砂糖、冰糖、方糖... 都很常出現,我們今天就來幫各位整理這些不同的糖的英文名稱,一起來看看吧!
紅 ...
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