Chinese breakfast名詞
- She enjoyed a hearty Chinese breakfast of congee, fried dough sticks, and steamed buns.
她享受著豐盛的中式早餐,有粥、油條和饅頭。 - The aroma of freshly brewed soy milk filled the air at the Chinese breakfast stall.
中式早餐攤位上飄散著新鮮煮好的豆漿的香氣。 - He preferred a simple Chinese breakfast of steamed dumplings and tea eggs.
他喜歡簡單的中式早餐,有蒸餃和茶葉蛋。 - The Chinese breakfast buffet offered a variety of dim sum, from dumplings to turnip cakes.
中式早餐自助餐提供了各種點心,從餃子到蘿蔔糕。 - She enjoyed the comforting warmth of a bowl of piping hot noodle soup for Chinese breakfast.
她享受著一碗熱騰騰的湯麵給予的舒適溫暖的中式早餐。 - They gathered at the local tea house for a leisurely Chinese breakfast of dim sum and tea.
他們聚集在當地的茶館,悠閒地享受著點心和茶的中式早餐。 - The Chinese breakfast spread included savory fried dough sticks, flaky scallion pancakes, and silky tofu pudding.
中式早餐包括了香酥的油條、酥脆的蔥油餅和柔滑的豆腐布丁。 - He started his day with a nutritious Chinese breakfast of century egg congee and pickled vegetables.
他以營養豐富的中式早餐——皮蛋粥和醃菜——開始了新的一天。 - She introduced her foreign friends to the delights of Chinese breakfast, from savory porridge to sweet pastries.
她向外國朋友介紹了中式早餐的美味,從鹹粥到甜點心。 - The Chinese breakfast restaurant was famous for its handmade dumplings and rich, fragrant tea.
如果你經常旅遊而且會住飯店,尤其是出國旅遊,那你肯定必須經常享用飯店提供的西式早餐,某些高級飯店提供的西式早餐種類非常多,例如歐姆蛋、華夫餅、英式奶茶、美式咖啡、義式咖啡、小圓麵包、火腿、漢堡、潛艇堡、穀物麥片、各式各樣不同種類的乳酪 ... 等,西式早餐的選擇種類可以說是非常多 ...
台灣的飯店幾乎都有提供中式早餐的選擇,而且有些飯店提供的中式早餐種類相當多,讓住宿的旅客有非常多好吃的選擇,例如蛋餅、荷包蛋、蔥油餅、包子、饅頭、豆漿、小籠包、湯包、稀飯、粥、小米粥、餡餅 ...... 等,相信各位對這些美食都不陌生,今天我們就來一起認識一些常見的中式早餐英文說 ...
說到台灣的早餐,當然不能少了蛋餅(egg pancake roll)這一味,傳統的蛋餅就是蛋餅皮與雞蛋這兩種主要食材在平底鍋上煎,不過現在 的早餐店已經研發出各式各樣不同口味的蛋餅,在蛋餅中夾了不同的食材,例如火腿、起司、肉鬆、玉米粒、海苔、苜蓿芽、生菜... 等,各式各樣的食材 ...