The ostrich is the largest and heaviest bird in the world, known for its long neck and powerful legs.
鴕鳥是世界上最大、最重的鳥類,以其長頸和強壯的腿而聞名。 -
Ostriches are flightless birds, but they are exceptional runners, capable of reaching speeds up to 70 km/h.
鴕鳥是不會飛的鳥類,但它們是出色的奔跑者,能夠達到每小時70公里的速度。 -
The ostrich's large eyes provide excellent vision, allowing them to spot predators from a distance.
鴕鳥的大眼睛提供了優秀的視覺,使它們能夠遠距離發現掠食者。 -
Ostriches have the largest eggs of any bird, with each egg weighing about 1.
4 kilograms.
4公斤。 -
Male ostriches are responsible for building the nest, which consists of a shallow pit in the ground.
雄鴕鳥負責建造巢穴,這是一個位於地面的淺坑。 -
Ostriches have a unique defense mechanism where they will lay flat on the ground to avoid detection by predators.
鴕鳥有一種獨特的防禦機制,它們會趴在地上以避免被掠食者發現。 -
Ostriches are omnivores, feeding on a diet of plants, insects, and small animals.
鴕鳥是雜食性動物,以植物、昆蟲和小動物為食。 -
The feathers of the male ostrich are primarily black with white wing tips, while females have grayish-brown feathers.
雄鴕鳥的羽毛主要是黑色的,有著白色的翅膀尖,而雌鴕鳥的羽毛呈灰褐色。 -
Ostriches have a powerful kick that can be deadly to predators, making them formidable opponents.
鴕鳥有一記強大的踢,對掠食者來說可能是致命的,使它們成為強大的對手。 -
The ostrich's unique appearance and behavior make it a fascinating creature to observe in the wild.
蛋(egg)幾乎是人類日常生活中不可或缺的營養來源,有些人每天都有吃一至兩顆雞蛋的習慣,一顆蛋看似簡單,其實它的構造很完美,各種爬蟲類或鳥類的蛋構造都差不多,一顆完整的蛋是由蛋殼、卵殼膜、蛋白、蛋黃、細胞核 ... 等部分所構成,你知道一顆蛋毎個部位的英文該怎麼說嗎?我們今天就是 ...