- Children love to fly kites on a windy day.
孩子們喜歡在有風的日子放風箏。 - She watched her kite dance in the sky, soaring higher and higher.
她看著她的風箏在天空中翩翩起舞,飛得越來越高。 - The colorful kite fluttered and twirled gracefully in the breeze.
多彩的風箏在微風中優雅地飄動和旋轉。 - He flew his kite with expert skill, guiding it through the air effortlessly.
他有著熟練的技巧放風箏,輕鬆地引導它在空中飛翔。 - Kite flying is a popular activity during the spring season.
放風箏是春天季節的一項流行活動。 - The kite string slipped from his grasp and the kite soared into the clouds.
風箏線從他手中滑落,風箏飛入雲霄。 - She decorated her kite with bright ribbons and long tails.
她用鮮艷的絲帶和長長的尾巴裝飾她的風箏。 - Kite festivals attract people from all over the world to witness the colorful displays.
風箏節吸引來自世界各地的人們觀賞多彩的風箏展示。 - The children raced to see whose kite could fly the highest.
孩子們爭相比賽看誰的風箏能飛得最高。 - He spent hours crafting his own kite, carefully designing every detail.

清明節(Qingming Festival 或 Ching Ming festival)是臺灣非常重要的一個節日,其實清明原本只是二十四節氣之一,在春分之後,穀雨之前,時間為每年陽曆4月4日或5日太陽到達黃經15°時開始,通常落在國曆4月4日或4月5日其中一天,經過數千年 ...