class, type, classification, genre
- Please select the appropriate category for your blog post.
請為你的部落格文章選擇適當的類別。 - The books in the library are organized by subject category.
圖書館的書籍按照主題類別進行了組織。 - This product falls under the electronics category.
這個產品屬於電子類別。 - The movies on the streaming platform are categorized into different genres.
流媒體平台上的電影按照不同的類型進行了分類。 - The grocery store has a wide selection of products in various categories.
這家雜貨店有各種類別的產品供您選擇。 - The hotel rooms are classified into different room types based on their amenities.
酒店客房根據設施不同分為不同的房間類型。 - The website has a dropdown menu to choose the desired category.
該網站有一個下拉菜單可供選擇所需的類別。 - The cars are grouped into different categories based on their size and fuel efficiency.
汽車根據尺寸和燃油效率不同分為不同的類別。 - The clothing store offers a wide range of options in different clothing categories.
這家服裝店在不同的服裝類別中提供了各種選擇。 - The survey respondents were asked to select their age category.
也許各位聽過細菌、真菌、酵母菌 ..... 等,各式各樣的菌,雖然中文都是用「菌」這個自來詮釋,但實際上,這些菌在英文裡都是不一樣的字,不可以混為一談,今天每天學英文單字就帶大家來認識細菌、真菌究竟有什麼區別?它們的英文又該怎麼說呢?細菌首先我們來看細菌,說到細菌,大多數人都會有 ...