electric wire名詞
power cable
The electric wire was too thin to support the heavy load, so it snapped.
這條電線太薄了,無法支撐重量,因此斷裂了。 -
Please ensure that the electric wire is properly insulated to prevent electrical shocks.
請確保電線有適當的絕緣,以避免觸電。 -
The electric wire needs to be replaced as it has been damaged by the weather.
這條電線需要更換,因為它已被天氣損壞了。 -
The electrician used pliers to strip the insulation off the electric wire.
電工使用鉗子剝開電線的絕緣層。 -
We need to measure the resistance of the electric wire to determine its quality.
我們需要測量電線的電阻來確定其品質。 -
The electric wire was coiled neatly on the ground to avoid tripping hazards.
電線被整齊的捲在地上,以避免絆倒的危險。 -
The electric wire was accidentally cut during construction, causing a power outage.
在施工期間,不小心切斷了電線,導致停電。 -
The electric wire was carefully threaded through the conduit to prevent any damage.
電線被小心地穿過管道,以避免任何損壞。 -
The electric wire needs to be grounded to prevent electrocution.
電線需要接地以避免觸電。 -
The electric wire was covered in protective casing to prevent damage from the elements.
台灣人常說的學徒英文可以說是 apprentice,意思就是學徒。Apprentice 指的是在師傅指導下學習某種技能的人,通常在工作中學習,並獲得一定報酬。
在台灣,學徒也常被稱為 學徒 或 徒弟。這些詞彙在日常生活中比較常用,但在正式場合或書面文件中,建議使用 appren ...
原始圖片由 TripperWay 旅遊授權使用
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