have a meeting
[名詞] meeting
We have a meeting every Monday morning to discuss our progress.
我們每週一早上都會開會來討論我們的進展。 -
Let's have a meeting next week to go over the project details.
我們下週開會,詳細討論一下專案的細節。 -
The team decided to have a meeting at noon to finalize the budget.
團隊決定在中午開會,最後確定預算。 -
We are having a meeting with the clients this afternoon to present our proposal.
今天下午我們和客戶開會,介紹我們的提案。 -
The managers have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow to discuss the new policies.
經理們明天開會,討論新政策。 -
I'll have a meeting with the marketing team to brainstorm ideas for the campaign.
我將與市場團隊開會,一起集思廣益為活動出主意。 -
We had a meeting last Friday to review the sales figures for the quarter.
上週五我們開了一次會議,回顧本季的銷售數字。 -
Let's have a meeting early tomorrow morning to plan our strategy.
我們明天早上早點開會,訂定我們的策略。 -
The CEO is having a meeting with potential investors next week.
CEO下週和潛在投資者開會。 -
The department heads will have a meeting to coordinate their efforts.
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