The conference came to a close with a closing ceremony.
會議以閉幕儀式結束。 -
The play's closing performance received a standing ovation.
這齣戲的閉幕演出獲得了起立鼓掌。 -
The event's closing remarks were delivered by the organizer.
活動的閉幕致辭由組織者發表。 -
The closing act of the concert was a spectacular fireworks display.
音樂會的閉幕節目是一場壯觀的煙火表演。 -
The closing credits of the movie listed all the cast and crew members.
電影的閉幕字幕列出了所有的演員和工作人員。 -
The exhibition's closing date has been extended by a week.
展覽的閉幕日期延長了一個星期。 -
The closing ceremony of the sports tournament featured an award presentation.
體育比賽的閉幕典禮上進行了頒獎儀式。 -
The closing chapter of the book wrapped up the story's loose ends.
這本書的最後一章收束了故事的諸多情節。 -
The closing session of the meeting summarized the key outcomes and decisions.
會議的閉幕會議總結了主要成果和決策。 -
The closing ceremony of the Olympic Games showcased the host country's culture.
珍珠奶茶幾乎每家手搖飲料店都會賣,其實這在台灣超夯的珍珠奶茶早就已經紅到世界各國去了,甚至還成為 2009 年夏季聽障奧林匹克運動會閉幕式指定特色茶飲,美國還有業者在 2018 年聯合將 4/30 訂為美國的國家珍珠奶茶日「National Bubble Tea Day」呢!有沒 ...