iron egg名詞
- She bought a bag of iron eggs to snack on during the trip.
她買了一袋鐵蛋作為旅行時的零食。 - Iron eggs are a popular Taiwanese snack, known for their savory flavor.
鐵蛋是台灣的一種受歡迎的小吃,以其鹹香的風味而聞名。 - They sell iron eggs in small packets at the convenience store.
他們在便利店裡以小包裝方式販售鐵蛋。 - She brought some homemade iron eggs to the picnic.
她帶了一些自製的鐵蛋去野餐。 - Iron eggs are marinated in a special blend of spices for several hours.
鐵蛋用特殊的香料調味腌製數小時。 - The street vendor fries the iron eggs until they are golden brown.
街頭小販把鐵蛋炸到金黃色。 - He likes to eat iron eggs with a bowl of steaming hot noodles.
他喜歡把鐵蛋配上一碗熱騰騰的麵。 - The iron eggs had a chewy texture and rich flavor.
鐵蛋有著彈牙的口感和濃厚的味道。 - She learned to make iron eggs from her grandmother's recipe.
她從奶奶的食譜學會了如何做鐵蛋。 - They enjoyed the salty and fragrant taste of the iron eggs.
夜市可以說是台灣的在地文化代表之一,許多人都喜歡逛夜市,在夜市裡可以找到許多好吃的美食及好玩的元素,如果你有老外朋友來台灣,你想帶他們去逛逛台灣的夜市,那你大概會需要認識一些夜市常見的美食英文名稱,才能好好的把台灣夜市美食介紹給外國朋友們,一起來看看吧!饒河街觀光夜市人潮※圖片取 ...