Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, or the Way.
道教強調與道或道路和諧共處。 -
Laozi is considered the founder of Taoism and author of the Tao Te Ching.
老子被認為是道教的創始人,也是《道德經》的作者。 -
Taoist practices often include meditation and the study of philosophical texts.
道教的實踐通常包括冥想和研究哲學文本。 -
In Taoism, the concept of Wu Wei, or "effortless action," is central.
在道教中,無為的概念是核心。 -
Taoist temples can be found throughout China, dedicated to the worship of deities.
道教寺廟遍佈中國各地,專門供奉神靈。 -
Taoist rituals often involve offerings and prayers to various gods and ancestors.
道教的儀式通常包括向各種神靈和祖先獻祭和祈禱。 -
The teachings of Taoism emphasize simplicity, humility, and living in harmony with nature.
道教的教義強調簡樸、謙遜和與自然和諧共處。 - Taoist philosophy has influenced various aspects of Chinese culture, including art, literature, and medicine.
道教哲學影響了中國文化的各個方面,包括藝術、文學和醫學。 -
Many people in China practice a blend of Taoism with Confucianism and Buddhism.
Queen Mother of the West 是西王母的英文翻譯,西王母是中國神話中掌管不死藥和懲罰罪惡的女神,居住在崑崙山的瑤池金母宮,她是道教中的重要神祇,也是中國民間信仰中常見的神仙。
西王母的形象通常是一位身穿華服、頭戴鳳冠、手持仙桃或蟠桃的女性,她經常與青龍、白虎 ...
再過幾天就是元宵節了,這個傳統的節日是早年農曆新年的尾聲,雖然現代人過完春節連假差不多就等於過完新年,不過元宵節還是相當有意義的節日,大家會吃湯圓、提燈籠、猜燈謎,政府還會舉辦熱鬧的台灣燈會,我們寫了這篇元宵節特輯,幫大家整理常用的元宵節英文說法,如燈籠、湯圓、元宵、花燈,在快樂 ...