Path to
The path to success is often paved with hard work and determination.
通往成功的道路通常鋪滿了辛勤工作和決心。 -
Education is the path to knowledge and personal growth.
教育是通往知識和個人成長的途徑。 -
Kindness is the path to building meaningful relationships with others.
善良是與他人建立有意義的關係的途徑。 -
Innovation is the path to technological advancement and progress.
創新是通往技術進步和進展的途徑。 -
Patience and perseverance are the paths to overcoming challenges.
耐心和毅力是克服挑戰的途徑。 -
Exploration of the unknown is the path to discovering new horizons.
探索未知是發現新視野的途徑。 -
Friendship is the path to a rich and fulfilling life.
友誼是通往豐富而充實生活的途徑。 -
Environmental conservation is the path to a sustainable future.
環境保護是通往永續未來的途徑。 -
Compassion and empathy are the paths to a more harmonious society.
慈悲和同理心是通往更和諧社會的途徑。 -
Setting goals and working hard is the path to achieving your dreams.
台灣的中秋節是一個重要的傳統節日,時間為每年的農曆8月15日,是擁有悠久歷史的節慶之一,台灣人通常會在中秋節烤肉、聚餐、賞月、吃月餅、吃柚子,全家人團聚在一起談天說地,聊聊平時念書或工作的事情,是個家人們情感交流的節日,就算在外地念書或工作,無法趕回家一起團聚,也會傳些祝福語或打 ...