The passersby watched the accident unfold but didn't intervene.
路人看著事故發生,但沒有干預。 -
Passersby can play a crucial role in reporting emergencies to authorities.
路人在向當局報告緊急情況方面可以發揮關鍵作用。 -
The police interviewed several passersbys to gather information about the incident.
警察採訪了幾位路人,以收集有關事件的資訊。 -
As a passersby, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and potential risks.
作為一個路人,重要的是要意識到你的周圍環境和潛在風險。 -
The passersby effect suggests that people are less likely to help in a crowd.
路人效應表明人們在人群中不太可能提供幫助。 -
In the documentary, they interviewed passersbys who witnessed the historic event.
在紀錄片中,他們存取了目睹歷史事件的路人。 -
The passersby's account of the incident matched the security camera footage.
路人對事件的描述與安全攝影機的鏡頭吻合。 -
A responsible passersby called 911 when they saw the fire break out.
一位負責的路人在看到火警時撥打了911。 -
The passersby extended a helping hand to the injured cyclist.
路人向受傷的自行車手伸出援助之手。 -
Passersby applauded the bravery of the woman who rescued the drowning child.
在這一天,學生們通常會表達對老師的感激之情,送上花束、卡片、或小禮物,以表示他們的尊敬和感謝之情。學校也可能舉行各種慶祝活動,如音樂會、戲劇表演,或其他表 ...
在中文裡,我們經常會問對方:「現在幾點?」、「你有時間嗎?」或「你有空嗎?」,從中文字面上可以很清楚知道究竟詢問者想知道的是當時的時間,還是單純想看你有沒有空,在英文裡其實也有類似的用法,分別是「Do you have the time?」及「Do you have time?」 ...