Shellfish, such as oysters and clams, are a rich source of zinc and other important nutrients.
貝類,如牡蠣和蛤蜊,是鋅和其他重要營養素的豐富來源。 -
Shellfish allergies can cause severe reactions, so it's important to be cautious when consuming them.
貝類過敏可以引起嚴重的反應,因此在食用時要謹慎。 -
Lobsters and crabs are examples of shellfish that are commonly served in seafood restaurants.
龍蝦和螃蟹是常見的貝類,常被在海鮮餐廳供應。 -
Some types of shellfish, like mussels and scallops, are farmed in sustainable and environmentally-friendly ways.
一些貝類,如蚌和扇貝,以可持續和環境友好的方式進行養殖。 -
Shellfish can be eaten raw, cooked, grilled, or baked, and are a versatile ingredient in many cuisines.
貝類可以生吃、煮熟、烤制或烘烤,是許多菜系中的多功能食材。 -
In some cultures, shellfish are considered a delicacy and are often served on special occasions.
在某些文化中,貝類被視為美食,常在特殊場合食用。 -
Shellfish can be high in cholesterol, so people with high cholesterol levels should consume them in moderation.
貝類中的膽固醇含量較高,因此膽固醇水平較高的人應該適量食用。 -
The texture and flavor of different types of shellfish vary widely, from the chewiness of squid to the sweetness of shrimp.
不同類型的貝類的質地和味道差異很大,從魷魚的嚼勁到蝦的甜味。 -
Shellfish can also be used as a natural source of flavor and umami in broths, soups, and sauces.
貝類也可以用作湯、湯和醬汁的天然風味和鮮味來源。 -
Eating shellfish can be a fun and social experience, whether enjoying a seafood feast with friends or trying new dishes while traveling.
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