speak, say
He has a calm and soothing way of speaking.
他說話的方式冷靜且令人安心。 -
She enjoys public speaking and often gives presentations at conferences.
她喜歡公開演講,並經常在會議上進行簡報。 -
It's important to speak clearly and confidently during job interviews.
在求職面試中,重要的是要清晰自信地說話。 -
The teacher encouraged the students to practice speaking in front of the class.
老師鼓勵學生在全班面前練習說話。 -
He has a persuasive way of speaking that captivates his audience.
他說話有說服力,能吸引觀眾的注意力。 -
Public speaking is a skill that can be developed with practice.
公開演講是一種可以透過練習來培養的技能。 -
She was nervous about speaking in public for the first time.
她第一次在公開場合說話時感到緊張。 -
The politician's way of speaking resonated with the voters.
這位政治家的說話方式深受選民喜愛。 -
Effective communication involves both speaking and listening.
有效的溝通包括說話和聆聽兩個方面。 -
He apologized for speaking out of turn during the meeting.
有些情況會需要要求對方排隊,例如你有一家生意很好的商店,你希望消費者可以根據設計好的動線排隊購買商品,你可以立一個請排隊的牌子或張貼說明海報,又或者你想糾正插隊的人,請對方照大家的規則排隊,請排隊的英文最常見的說法是 Please line up,這句的字面解釋很簡單,Line ...
常看美劇或美國電影的朋友應該經常聽到劇中的演員說:anyway,然後接著繼續講話,為什麼老外總是喜歡這樣說話呢?其實他們說的 Anyway 是英文中的副詞,有「不管怎樣、無論如何、總之、反正」這幾個意思,所以經常在對話中出現,我們這裡就稍微介紹一下這個字的常見用法。
1. 表示 ...
Money makes the world go round.
字面上的意思是錢使世界運轉,類似有錢能使鬼推磨的概 ...