memory technique
- Mnemonic devices are popular memory techniques that help people remember information more effectively.
助記憶器是流行的記憶法,可以幫助人們更有效地記住信息。 - The use of visualization is a powerful memory technique for recalling complex concepts.
使用想像是一種強大的記憶法,可以幫助記住複雜的概念。 - Acronyms and acrostics are common memory techniques used to remember lists or sequences.
首字母縮略詞和首字母詩是常用的記憶法,用於記住清單或序列。 - The memory palace technique involves associating information with specific locations to aid recall.
記憶宮殿技巧涉及將信息與特定位置相關聯,以幫助回憶。 - Chunking is a memory technique that involves breaking information into smaller, manageable groups.
分塊是一種記憶法,涉及將信息分成較小、可管理的組。 - Using rhymes and songs is a fun memory technique to remember facts and details.
使用押韻和歌曲是一種有趣的記憶法,可以記住事實和細節。 - Repetition is a simple but effective memory technique for reinforcing learning.
重複是一種簡單但有效的記憶法,可以加強學習。 - The peg system is a memory technique that uses visual associations with numbers to remember information.
挂鉤法是一種記憶法,它使用與數字相關的視覺聯繫來記住信息。 - The method of loci is a memory technique that involves mentally placing information in familiar locations.
地點法是一種記憶法,涉及在熟悉的位置中心理上放置資訊。 - Mind mapping is a creative memory technique that helps organize ideas and concepts visually.
小時候學習天文時,總是聽說太陽系有九大行星,分別是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、天王星、海王星以及冥王星,不過後來冥王星被取消了,因為國際天文聯會認為冥王星是矮行星,不應該被定義為行星,也不能定義為衛星,因此太陽系只剩八大行星 ...