We need to establish a clear plan to ensure the smooth execution of the project.
我們需要訂定一個明確的計劃,以確保項目的順利執行。 -
The company is working hard to formulate new marketing strategies to expand its market share.
公司正在努力訂定新的行銷策略,以擴大市場份額。 -
The government is considering establishing stricter environmental regulations to reduce pollution.
政府正在考慮訂定更嚴格的環保法規,以減少污染。 -
The team is in the process of drafting a detailed report to elaborate on their research findings.
該團隊正在訂定一份詳細的報告,闡述他們的研究結果。 -
The school is in the process of formulating school regulations to maintain student discipline and safety.
學校正在訂定校規,以維護學生的紀律和安全。 -
To improve production efficiency, the factory is planning to establish new production processes.
為了提高生產效率,工廠正計劃訂定新的生產流程。 -
The hospital is formulating an emergency response plan to address potential unexpected situations.
醫院正在訂定應急應變計劃,以應對可能的突發狀況。 -
International organizations are in the process of drafting global cooperation agreements to address climate change issues.
國際組織正在訂定全球合作協議,以應對氣候變化問題。 -
The education department is in the process of setting new curriculum standards to enhance students' learning outcomes.
教育部門正訂定一個新的課程標準,以提升學生的學習成果。 -
We need to establish a timetable to ensure that all tasks are completed on time.
復活節是基督教非常重要的一個節日,拉丁語為Pascha,英文則為Easter,最早的復活節與基督教的逾越節(Passover)是同一天,後來在西元四世紀時,教會將復活節的日期改為每年春分月圓之後第一個星期日,而復活節的目的是紀念耶穌基督被釘在十字架上後,死而復活的事蹟,為了讓大家 ...