The manufacturing process of this product involves precision machinery.
這個產品的製程涉及精密機械。 -
Quality control is an integral part of the production process.
品質控制是生產製程的一個重要部分。 -
The company has streamlined its production process to increase efficiency.
公司已經精簡其生產製程以提高效率。 -
The baking process for this bread takes several hours.
這款麵包的烘焙製程需要幾個小時。 -
The software development process involves coding, testing, and debugging.
軟體開發製程包含編碼、測試和除錯。 -
The fermentation process is crucial in brewing beer.
發酵製程在釀造啤酒中極為重要。 -
The recruitment process involves interviewing candidates and checking references.
招聘製程包括面試候選人和查核參考。 -
The design process of this product focuses on user experience.
這個產品的設計製程著重於用戶體驗。 -
The approval process for this project involves multiple stakeholders.
這個項目的批准製程涉及多方利益相關者。 -
The legal team is responsible for ensuring compliance throughout the business process.
台積電董事長魏哲家在2024/6/7的法說會上公佈了公司五月份的最新財報,在會議上也提到:「市場都說台積電價格是最貴,但以客戶拿到的 Die 來看,台積電的晶圓就是比別人好」,魏哲家董事長提到的Die是什麼意思呢?
魏董說的 Die,指的是晶圓(wafer)上切割出來的晶粒,晶 ...