filled with
The gift box was filled with chocolates and truffles.
禮盒裡裝滿了巧克力和松露。 -
Her heart was filled with gratitude when she received the thoughtful present.
當她收到這份貼心的禮物時,她的心中充滿了感激之情。 -
The basket was filled with a variety of fresh fruits from the local market.
這個籃子裡裝滿了當地市場的各種新鮮水果。 -
The room was filled with laughter as friends gathered for a joyous celebration.
當朋友們聚集在一起歡慶時,房間充滿了笑聲。 -
The suitcase was filled with clothes and essentials for the weekend trip.
這個行李箱裡裝滿了週末旅行的衣物和必需品。 -
The jar was filled with colorful marbles, creating a vibrant display.
罐子裡裝滿了五顏六色的彈珠,形成一個充滿活力的陳列。 -
His speech was filled with inspiring words that motivated the audience.
他的演講充滿了鼓舞人心的話語,激勵了聽眾。 -
The folder on her desk was filled with important documents and reports.
她桌上的文件夾裡裝滿了重要的文件和報告。 -
The gallery was filled with breathtaking artworks from various talented artists.
畫廊裝滿了來自不同才華藝術家的令人驚歎的藝術品。 -
The stadium was filled with cheering fans during the championship match.
每到農曆新年,小朋友最開心的事情之一,莫過於可以收到很多壓歲錢,所謂的壓歲錢通常是用紅包的形式包裝,所以也常直接稱為紅包,紅包有「平安、健康、吉祥、幸福、幸運」等意思,壓歲錢或紅包的英文最常見的說法是 red envelope,也有 red packet、lucky mone ...