


  1. The performance last night was amazing, I really enjoyed it.
    昨晚的 表演節目 非常精彩,讓我大飽眼福。
  2. This performance is very creative, it's a breath of fresh air.
    這個 表演節目 很有創意,讓我耳目一新。
  3. The performance by the children is very cute, it makes me laugh.
    小朋友們表演的 表演節目 很可愛,讓我忍俊不禁。
  4. This performance is very educational, I learned a lot from it.
    這個 表演節目 很有教育意義,讓我受益匪淺。
  5. This performance is very touching, it brought me to tears.
    這個 表演節目 很感人,讓我感動落淚。
  6. This performance is very funny, it made me laugh out loud.
    這個 表演節目 很搞笑,讓我笑得前仰後合。
  7. This performance is very professional, it was amazing.
    這個 表演節目 很專業,讓我嘆為觀止。
  8. This performance is very engaging, I was drawn into it.
    這個 表演節目 很有感染力,讓我深深地被吸引了。
  9. This performance is very artistic, it left me with a lasting impression.
    這個 表演節目 很有藝術性,讓我回味無窮。


台灣的公司普遍在年底的時候都會舉辦尾牙來犒賞員工一整年來的辛勞,尾牙的英文最常見的說法是 year-end party,意思是「年末派對」,也可以說 year-end banquet,意思是「年末宴會」。 Year-end party 是比較通俗的說法,通常指公司在農曆年前舉辦 ...
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