The snake slithered silently through the grass, hunting for its next meal.
蛇在草地上靜靜地蜿蜒前進,正在尋找下一餐。 -
In some cultures, the snake is a symbol of rebirth and transformation.
在一些文化中,蛇是重生和轉變的象徵。 -
Fear gripped the village when a venomous snake was discovered in the backyard.
當村莊裡的人們發現後院有一隻有毒的蛇時,恐懼籠罩著整個村落。 -
The snake charmer mesmerized the audience with his skilled handling of cobras.
蛇術士用他熟練的技巧引領著眾人,讓他們陷入了迷醉。 -
Snakes shed their skins periodically as they grow.
蛇隨著成長定期脫皮。 -
Ancient legends tell of a serpent that guarded hidden treasures.
古老的傳說中講述了一條守護著隱藏寶藏的巨蛇。 -
The python, with its massive coils, can squeeze the life out of its prey.
蟒蛇以其龐大的身軀可以擠壓其獵物的生命。 -
As a symbol of cunning and deception, the snake appears frequently in folklore.
作為狡詐和欺騙的象徵,蛇在民間故事中經常出現。 -
Some people keep snakes as exotic pets, fascinated by their unique beauty.
一些人飼養蛇作為異國情調的寵物,著迷於它們獨特的美麗。 -
The snake's venom can be used for both medicinal purposes and as a deadly weapon.
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