[名詞] evaporation, evapotranspiration
The heat causes rapid evaporation of water from the surface of the lake.
熱量導致湖面上的水迅速蒸發。 -
Evaporation is an important part of the water cycle, where water turns into vapor and rises into the atmosphere.
蒸發是水循環的重要部分,水變成蒸氣並升入大氣中。 -
The desert's intense sun leads to high rates of evaporation, leaving behind dry, arid landscapes.
沙漠裡強烈的太陽導致高速的蒸發率,留下了乾燥、乾旱的景觀。 -
Puddles disappear quickly on hot summer days due to evaporation.
在炎熱的夏天,水坑因蒸發而迅速消失。 -
Evaporation of seawater contributes to the formation of clouds and the water cycle.
海水的蒸發有助於形成雲彩和水循環。 -
The evaporation of sweat helps cool down the body during exercise.
汗水的蒸發幫助在運動時降低體溫。 -
Salt is left behind when seawater undergoes evaporation, forming salt flats in coastal areas.
海水蒸發時會留下鹽分,在沿海地區形成鹽田。 -
The evaporation of a liquid occurs when its molecules gain enough energy to escape into the air as vapor.
液體的蒸發發生在分子獲得足夠的能量以蒸氣形式逃逸到空氣中時。 -
Evaporation rates are affected by factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
蒸發率受到溫度、濕度和風速等因素的影響。 -
The evaporation of rainwater from the streets creates a cooling effect on hot summer days.
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