- Caozaiguo is a traditional Hakka dessert made with glutinous rice and filled with sweet red bean paste.
草仔粿是一種傳統客家甜點,用糯米製作,內餡是甜甜的紅豆餡。 - She learned to make caozaiguo from her grandmother, who passed down the family recipe.
她從奶奶那裡學會了做草仔粿,奶奶傳下了家傳食譜。 - They sell freshly steamed caozaiguo at the local market every morning.
每天早上在當地市場有新鮮蒸煮的草仔粿販售。 - Caozaiguo is often enjoyed during the Lunar New Year festivities.
草仔粿常常在農曆新年慶祝活動中享用。 - She likes the chewy texture of caozaiguo, especially when it's warm.
她喜歡草仔粿的嚼勁口感,特別是在它還暖和的時候。 - The outer layer of caozaiguo is usually wrapped in banana leaves for added fragrance.
草仔粿的外層通常用香蕉葉包裹,增添香氣。 - Caozaiguo is a nostalgic treat for many Hakka people, reminding them of childhood memories.
草仔粿是許多客家人的懷舊小吃,讓他們回憶起童年時光。 - She brought a box of caozaiguo to share with her friends during the picnic.
她帶了一盒草仔粿來和朋友們在野餐時分享。 - Caozaiguo is often served as a dessert at Hakka weddings and celebrations.
草仔粿常常在客家婚禮和慶祝活動中作為甜點供應。 - She enjoys a cup of tea with a piece of caozaiguo for a simple and satisfying afternoon break.

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