freestyle swimming名詞
freestyle swimming 簡稱為 freestyle,是標準游泳比賽的一種個別,由國際游泳聯合會 International Swimming Federation (FINA)所制訂; 類似自由式的前爬式英文是 front crawl , forward crawl, Australian crawl, American crawl。freestyle 經常被視為 front crawl 的同意詞。
- He broke the record for the 100-meter freestyle swim.
他打破了100米自由式游泳的紀錄。 - Freestyle swimming allows for a variety of strokes and techniques.
自由式游泳允許使用各種划水動作和技巧。 - She practiced her freestyle breathing rhythm to improve her endurance.
她練習自由式的呼吸節奏,以提高自己的耐力。 - The freestyle relay team won the gold medal at the championship.
自由式接力隊在錦標賽上贏得了金牌。 - Freestyle swimmers often use the front crawl stroke for speed.
自由式游泳者常常使用蛙式划水動作以提高速度。 - He was known for his smooth and powerful freestyle technique.
他以流暢而有力的自由式技巧而聞名。 - The swimmer's freestyle stroke was perfectly timed with each breath.
游泳者的自由式划水動作與每次呼吸完美地配合。 - Freestyle is one of the most popular swimming styles in competitions.
自由式是比賽中最受歡迎的游泳方式之一。 - The coach emphasized the importance of proper freestyle arm pull technique.
教練強調了正確的自由式手臂划水技巧的重要性。 - She swam a strong freestyle leg in the relay, helping her team secure the win.
自由式 ...