The speaker captivated the audience with her engaging presentation.
演講者以她引人入勝的演講吸引了聽眾。 -
The concert attracted a large audience of music enthusiasts.
這場音樂會吸引了大量的音樂愛好者。 -
The play received a standing ovation from the audience.
這部戲劇獲得了觀眾的起立鼓掌。 -
The presenter interacted with the audience, encouraging their participation.
主持人與觀眾互動,鼓勵他們的參與。 -
The comedian's jokes had the audience roaring with laughter.
這位喜劇演員的笑話讓觀眾捧腹大笑。 -
The film had a profound impact on the audience, leaving them thoughtful and reflective.
這部電影對觀眾產生了深刻的影響,讓他們變得思考和反思。 -
The speaker tailored her message to resonate with the audience's interests and concerns.
演講者根據聽眾的興趣和關注點量身定制了她的訊息。 -
The conference provided a platform for industry experts to share their insights with a wide audience.
這個會議為行業專家提供了一個與廣大聽眾分享他們見解的平台。 -
The artist received a standing ovation from the audience at the end of his performance.
這位藝術家在演出結束時得到了觀眾的起立鼓掌。 -
The podcast host engages with the audience by addressing their questions and comments.
中文常常會用「紛紛表示」來形容大多數人都表達著同樣的想法或說法,例如民眾支持某項政策、認同某項計畫或表達自己的想法方向,英文裡沒有直接對應的說法,頂多用 Expressed Enthusiasm 這種說法,字面上是熱情的表達,但不是只有這種說法,另外還有許多類似的概念可以用來表達 ...