The boss praised the team for their hard work and dedication to the project.
老板讚揚了團隊對專案的努力工作和奉獻精神。 -
It's essential to maintain open communication with your boss to ensure a positive work environment.
與老板保持開放的溝通是確保良好工作環境的關鍵。 -
The boss is responsible for making strategic decisions that impact the company's direction.
老板負責做出影響公司方向的戰略性決策。 -
The team is preparing a presentation to update the boss on the project's progress.
團隊正在準備一份簡報,向老板匯報專案的進展情況。 -
The boss encourages a collaborative work culture where ideas and feedback are valued.
老板鼓勵一種協作的工作文化,其中重視想法和回饋。 -
The boss expressed gratitude to the employees for their efforts during a challenging period.
在一個充滿挑戰的時期,老板對員工的努力表示感謝。 -
It's important to establish a good rapport with your boss to foster a positive working relationship.
與老板建立良好的關係是培養積極工作關係的重要一環。 -
The boss provided constructive feedback to help the team improve their performance.
老板提供建設性的回饋,幫助團隊提升表現。 -
The boss is attending a business conference to stay updated on industry trends.
老板參加商業會議,以了解行業趨勢的最新動態。 -
Employees admire a boss who leads by example and fosters a supportive work environment.
每到農曆新年,小朋友最開心的事情之一,莫過於可以收到很多壓歲錢,所謂的壓歲錢通常是用紅包的形式包裝,所以也常直接稱為紅包,紅包有「平安、健康、吉祥、幸福、幸運」等意思,壓歲錢或紅包的英文最常見的說法是 red envelope,也有 red packet、lucky mone ...