Beautiful Gem
She wore a necklace adorned with a beautiful gem that sparkled in the light.
她戴著一串飾有美麗的寶石項鍊,在光線下閃閃發光。 -
The engagement ring was set with a stunningly beautiful gem.
訂婚戒指上鑲嵌著一顆極其美麗的寶石。 -
The museum displayed a collection of rare and beautiful gems from around the world.
博物館展示了來自世界各地的珍稀美麗的寶石收藏。 -
The crown was adorned with intricate designs and precious beautiful gems.
皇冠上飾有複雜的設計和珍貴的美麗寶石。 -
Her earrings were made of gold and featured a pair of exquisite beautiful gems.
她的耳環由黃金製成,上面鑲嵌著一對精緻的美麗寶石。 -
The bracelet was studded with various colorful beautiful gems.
這條手鐲上鑲有各種色彩繽紛的美麗寶石。 -
The jewelry store showcased a display of breathtakingly beautiful gems.
珠寶店展示了一系列令人驚嘆的美麗寶石。 -
The pendant was carved with intricate patterns and held a dazzling beautiful gem.
這個吊墜雕刻有複雜的圖案,並鑲有一顆炫目的美麗寶石。 -
The tiara was a symbol of elegance and luxury, adorned with numerous beautiful gems.
這頂頭飾是優雅和奢華的象徵,飾有眾多美麗的寶石。 -
The ring box revealed a magnificent beautiful gem that took her breath away.
火龍果又稱為仙人掌果、紅龍果、龍珠果、量天尺果或皇后果,英文簡稱為 pitaya,是一種來自仙人掌科的水果,原產於中美洲地區,後來被引入到東南亞等地區種植,它的外觀獨特,擁有鮮豔的色彩、獨特的外形和豐富的營養成分,因此深受人們喜愛,火龍果的果實通常由兩種主要類型:紅肉火龍果和白肉 ...